Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word
shake the beads:
(An invitation) to dance .See Also: anal beads, anal inserts, beads, bun-boogie, Chinese Love Beads, dew off the lily, drop one's cookies, drop the plate, gee-string, in the beads, love beads, Oriental Love Beads, shake, shake the dew off the lily, shake the peg, shake the sheets, Siamese Strings, String of Pearls, twirl the pearls
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- shake the dew off the lily
- shake the peg
- shake the sheets
- shake the snake
- shake the weasel
- shake up
- shakers
- shakester
- shaking
- shaking hands with Abraham Lincoln
- shaking hands with Jack Mcnasty
- shaking hands with Little Elvis
- shaking hands with Mr. Happy
- shaking hands with Mr. President
- shaking hands with Shorty
- shaking hands with the General
- shaking hands with the guy that stood up when I got married
- shaking hands with the midget
- shaking hands with the unemployed
- shaking hands with the wife's best friend